Tuesday, 31 August 2021

On coherence

It is only through the process of articulating an idea that you discover how much you understood it and more importantly whether it made sense. I followed up with a question after this --  "must it be another mind on the receiving end for this to work?"

Assuming that sanity is actually not such a grey area but a relatively fine line of divide I would just have to have myself accessed and I would be the perfect person to explain to and bounce idea off. However we've all find out the norm is not what I suggested, you bounce ideas off as many people as you find (sharp minds are definitely more helpful for your cause) and finally you manage to convince yourself you've got yourself a potential truth here.

I find it counter intuitive here that coherence in all ideas did not made them necessarily true and right. Even after considering fact

I am troubled by how humanity would rather have one war after another because of a difference in opinion

hitler's atrocity i think is could be the result of  letting conflicting and errorneous idea going uncorrected.

a concept can coherent but wrong because the group of people agreeing that the concept is coherent share a common flaw in their knowledge, they are all mistaken about something

the greatest step forward in the search for truth would be culling theories through debunking their fundamentals. because an understanding based on errorneous beliefs

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